Sunday, June 2, 2019

The Exeter Book :: Old English Poetry Literature Essays

The Exeter Book The Exeter Book is the largest existing collection of Old English poetry. The holograph was wedded to the library of Exeter Cathedral by its first bishop, Leofric, at the end of the tenth century. The book consists of 131 parchment leaves which measure approximately 12.5 by 8.6 inches. The most famous whole shebang contained in the Exeter Book include The Wanderer, The Wifes Lament, The Seafarer, and Wulf and Eadwacer. In addition to the 31 major poems, 96 riddles are also included in the collection. The manuscript was likely copied by a single scribe in 975, though The Wanderer is though to date back to the Anglo-Saxon tribes conversion to Christianity in the one-sixth century. The Wifes Lament may have pre-dated The Wanderer because it offers none of the typical Christian consolation for her despair and appears to reflect a pre-conversion, pagan military capability towards ones fate (The Exeter Book). Both poems are invaluable resources in their depictio n of the precepts and roles of men and women in Anglo-Saxon society. The Wanderer is an elegy, or a lament for the dead and the glories of the past. The fibber of the poem has lost his kin in battle and is wandering alone and contemplating the temporal nature of life. It is clear that the narrator respects the comitatus, the bond of loyalty between a lord and his warriors, as is illustrated when he recalls embracing and kissing his liege lord and laying his hands and his head on his knee (Wanderer 101). The stoic stance of the narrator is reflective of the Anglo-Saxon culture in which men were supposed to be brave and unemotional. Despite this convention, the narrators sorrow is strongly conveyed in the Ubi Sunt (Where are they?) passage when he asks, Where has the horse gone? Where the young warrior? Where is the giver of the treasure? (Wanderer 101). The narrators lament also displays the permeating cultural principle that everything in life is predetermined by fate. T his is seen when the narrator envisions the end of the world in everlasting winter when all the earths kingdom is surly and the world beneath the skies is changed by the work of the fates (Wanderer 102). The poem ends with a strong reference to Christianity in the lines, It will be well with him who seeks favor, comfort from the Father in heaven, where for us all stability resides (Wanderer 102).

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