Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Books especially Great Expectations Essay Example for Free

Books especially Great Expectations Essay Pip is very childlike the way Dickens describes him, almost naive and he has a large imagination.Dickens shows Pips naivety by telling the reader Pip believes his mothers name was also Georgina as that was written on the gravestone.  Pip is introduced when he is at the graveyard.  Dickens aims for the readers empathy by telling us that five of his siblings are dead and buried with his mother and father.  The historical context Dickens used was that in the 1800s children died young.   Then we are introduced to the criminal who we later learn is called Abel Magwitch. When Pip meets the convict he is in irons, rags and is hungry.  Dickens showed us this man was of lower class by the way he spoke and the fact his did not wear a hat like gentlemen did.  A man with no hat, and broken shoes.  Abel comes off as a scary man however once he has food and a file for his irons, his attitude changes.  Dickens tries to get sympathy for Abel by the way he describes him as having a limp and using his arms to warm himself up as well holding himself together. Estella is introduced in chapter eight.  Estella is the adopted daughter of Miss Havisham; Estella was brought up to hate men by Miss. Havisham.  This causes Estella to poke fun at many aspects of Pip.  She has been taught well like most upper class children and Dickens shows this by her speech and appearance.  Dont be ridiculous boy, she believes herself to be higher and more important than Pip due to her being of a higher class.  Miss. Havisham was a wealthy woman who got jilted at the alter, her life went down hill from there as if she was stuck in the time.  We can see that from the way Dickens describes the way her house was decorated.  Dickens makes Miss. Havisham come over as a bitter spiteful lady by using her speech and actions. Sometimes I have sick fantasies. She went on.  The Setting.  The first chapter is set in a graveyard which gives the reader an eerie yet calm feeling until the convict appears changing the atmosphere to dramatic.  Dickens uses words like overgrown, forgotten and bleak to create the sense of setting and atmosphere.  He then goes to use words like terrible and fearful to fit into the new dramatic setting.  Towards the end of chapter one, Dickens uses nearly a full paragraph on just describing the setting. sky was just a row of long angry, red lines and black lines intermixed.   This gives off a rather calming yet suspenseful atmosphere. Chapter eight is started with a strong sense of suspense and curiosity, the setting and atmosphere being both questionable and fearful.  Dickens uses words like scornful, dark and uncomfortable to successfully create an atmosphere; he describes Miss. Havisham as almost skeleton like then he continues to actually have Pip compare her to a wax skeleton.  Dickens uses words like hollow eyes, faded skin and very slim to get his point across.When comparing the two settings they are very similar by that way they are both set in a dark settings and suspenseful atmospheres.   The storyline. The entire book is mainly focussed around Pips days and his meeting of new people in both different classes.  Chapter one is focussed on Pip meeting the convict, who is of a lower class and then chapter eight is focussed on Pip meeting Estella and Miss. Havisham who are of a higher class.  The story is about Pip and his feelings when he meets each of these people as well as the expectations he has for himself once meeting those people.  Pip tries to raise his expectations for himself once hes met Estella. Dickens chooses everything carefully when writing a storyline, like names for instance he describes calling upon Estella in chapter eight as her light came along the dark passage like a star. Estella is actually Latin for star so you can tell he chose the name wisely as well as fitting historical context into the chapter.  He also uses pat experiences to help write about events in his books especially Great Expectations.

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