Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

Taylor and AJ, both now twenty years old, have known each other since they were in first grade. They spent the majority of their time during high school in a relationship with each other. In December of 2013, a year and a half out of high school, they were planning to get married until a surprise deployment was sending AJ to Afghanistan. Because time no longer allowed for a December wedding, they chose to take their vows just days before he was sent overseas. The couple made this life-long decision together, so upon AJ’s return from deployment, he would be able to arrive at an apartment that Taylor has already made a home for them. Taylor has gotten a fair amount of negative feedback about her marrying a military man at a young age from individuals who know her directly or indirectly. When asked how she feels about those comments and how, if at all, they affect her, she tells me that they have no effect on her at all. She explains that she understands that she is at a differen t level of her life than many people at her age and she just hopes that those people who are aiming negativity toward her get to one day experience the happiness that she has received from her relationship and marriage. Taylor is nothing but over joyed and happy with how her life has developed into one that she is able to share with her best friend until death do they part. Despite some of the negative comments that Taylor has experienced, the amount of support she receives from her family and other military wives and girlfriends is tremendous. She reveals to me that her mother has raised her alone and that she has been one of the most supportive people in this experience. The decisions she has made along the way to marry AJ was not revealed to have any negat... ... of our foreign affairs. It has been shown that families of service men or women begin to suffer more than in the past (Lamanna & Riedmann, 2012, p. 58). The fact that Taylor does not foresee any damages caused with her husband’s military career results in concern for her and her family’s future. The interview performed with Taylor has allowed another to see the success that young marriages and military relationships can have. Although not all relationships work out this way, it is very refreshing to see the happiness that has been brought to Taylor and AJ’s life. It was expressed that it is very difficult for Taylor to be away from AJ, but it’s all worth it because of love. One may believe that love is not always enough, but for this couple it is. They deserve all the support in the world for being so willing to be together at such a difficult time for our society.

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